Wednesday, April 05, 2017

Distort, Distract, Dishonest

The media campaign against the American public by the Trump administration probably can be summed up as Distort, Distract, and Dishonest.

The latest salvo against former National Security Advisor Susan Rice appears to be classic strategy of Distortion, making an unverifiable claim that is outrageous, followed by Distraction as having Congressional leaders help distract the public by demanding that investigating a Dishonest claim take precedence over potential actual attacks against America.

But it is a strategy that apparently is working. Rather than spending time looking at how Russia helped Trump win a narrow Electoral College victory while getting trounced in the popular vote, or looking at disastrous cabinet appointees, the press is covering a simple issue in depth because conservative snowflakes can't take criticisms or questioning.

And the best part for Trump, even if his wild claims are shown to have no basis just the fact that he said them means his supporters will buy into them. He could say the moon is made of cheese and a number of his supporters would believe him.

Thursday, February 02, 2017

Scaredy Brats

Apparently conservatives are considered that the public monster they unleashed on America might come after them.

Facing a public that wants answers, and is upset that the losing candidate (again) is in the White House, Republicans want no part of listening to Americans.

People like Rep. Dave Brat, R-Va, are looking for ways to avoid the public, as stated in Salon.

The congressman, who was just reelected to his second term, has avoided hosting a town hall until after the first 100 days of the Trump administration. This has apparently disappointed some of his constituents who wish to debate the merits of the ACA. On Monday, Brat released a statement on Facebook reaffirming his promise to have a town hall—eventually.

Basically, I'm not going to let the public do to us what they did to you.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Have Conservatives Lost Their Minds?

One of the sure signs that conservatives have lost their minds is the vile nature they have decided to use to attack President Obama in what can only be seen as an attempt to harm the country in order to further conservative goals.

Reading the recent works of George Will and Charles Krauthammer, two conservatives who used to share the intellectual mantle of conservatives, one comes away believing they have come unglued. In Will's most recent tantrum he celebrates Congress's supposed return to power. Does he understands the lackey role Congress played for George W. Bush and how that role lead the country into its current economic situation?

Krauthammer whines that Obama wants a debt deal to get him past the election, saying "Nothing could be more political." Um, how about making up facts to go to war resulting in the deaths of American soldiers? Remember what Bush said when he was told Iraq didn't have WMD? "Fuck it, we're going in..."

Will, Krauthammer, and other conservatives lemmings know that they don't have facts on their side and there is a good chance the public will figure that out and, just like in 2006 where Steven Colbert's "praise" of George Bush effectively ended his administration.

What conservatives are scared of are facts. Just the facts. In Sunday's New York Times the Opinion Page pointed out that $5 trillion of debt was added due to George W. Bush's policies, while only $1.4 is projected to be added by a two-term Obama administration.

None of squares with what conservatives have been saying and that's the point. Disingenuous Republicans have tagged Obama with the failures of George Bush and are demanding he take the fall for W.'s failures.

It appears that conservatives believe that if they yell it long enough people will believe it, but if they don't keep yelling people will figure out the truth and no conservative wants to be around the day America stops and goes, "hey, wait a minute. That's not true."