Sunday, June 05, 2005

Beat the Press

George Bush must throw good parties because the way the press treats him and his groupies one must think that they are worried that if they ask too many questions they will be crossed off future guest lists.

On Sunday Tim Russert of NBC NEWS' MEET THE PRESS interviewed Ken Mehlman, Chairman of the Republican Party and time after time Russert had Mehlman on the ropes, only to let him go without deep questioning, you know, the type he went on the offensive with when Howard Dean was running for president.

First, Russert pointed out that John Danforth, former Republican senator, and Bush's man.. at the United Nations had written in The New York Times that By a series of recent initiatives, Republicans have transformed our party into the political arm of conservative Christian...By a series of recent initiatives, Republicans have transformed our party into the political arm of conservative Christians.

Mehlman waived it off, like he would do so many other questions this morning. The problem is that Russert didn't treat Mehlman like Dean. Some have said that Russert was correct to go after a possible future president. Fine, but why roll over once in office?

Mehlman got away it time after time. Russert would ask a probing question, Mehlman would respond with a stupid or ridiculous answer and Russert would move along to the next question, like a police officer moving people away from a crime scene. "Move along, nothing to see here."

One can only assume when Mehlman got back to his office he was received congratulations for "Beating the Press."

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