Monday, August 01, 2005

Mr. Horrible Goes to the UN

Rather than give Congress a few documents to evaluate United Nations Ambassador nominee John Bolton, George W. Bush decided to wait until Congress left town so he could weakly appoint possibly the worst person in his administration to be ambassador to the United Nations.

Bolton, who even many Republicans believe is a bad appointment, will now be able to "represent" the U.S. at the United Nations. One has to wonder if the people at the United Nations will give Mr. Bolton the amount of respect he deserves.

Afterall, REPUBLICAN Sen. George Voinovich of Ohio said of Bolton "It is my opinion that John Bolton is the poster child of what someone in the diplomatic corps should not be."

The committed Republicans believe that he is just the sort of person the U.N. needs to lead the reforms. While that kind of talk may keep the Right in line it's doubtful it has any basis in reality. But then this past four years has been an unreal experience.

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