Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Looking for Leadership (in all the wrong places)

Watching the continued drop in the public's approval of "President" George Bush one has to wonder what took Americans so long to figure out that he is "all hat and no cattle," as they say in Texas.

Did a tiny majority of Americans so want to believe in Bush that they overlooked his faults and voted to give him a second chance? Or did they not want to have to admit that a mistake was made in 2000 and that someone should have stood up and said something? Or was it the unchallenged photos from New Orleans and Iraq that finally exposed the administration and that no amount of wordsmithing can overcome those images?

Whatever the cause, apparently the glow around Bush has melted away and the public isn't liking what it is seeing. At 40%, Bush's approval rating is comparable to Lyndon Johnson in Vietnam or Jimmy Carter during the hostage crisis, hardly an encouraging scenario.

At this point it appears that Bush has basically lost any Democratic support and most independent support, relying only on his hard core supporters. The questions is, when will his base start to abandon him? Or are they starting to do so.

According to a recent Zogby poll, the number of people thinking Bush is doing an excellent (or heckuva) job has dropped from 24 percent to 15 percent over the past seven months. No longer being able to survive on a minimal majority Bush may find he has to listen the public. And reason.

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