Wednesday, April 19, 2006

White House Needs New Lackey

Perhaps the pressure of being a White House lackey finally got to be too much for Scott McClellan, who announced today he was resigning as White House Press Secretary.

Since July 2003 years McClellan has been the face of the White House, spouting its half truths and distortions, helping his boss retain his job in spite of the administration's overwhelming incompetence.

In typical dishonesty, stupidity or cluelessness, Bush said of McClellan at the resignation announcement, "I thought he handled his assignment with class, integrity."

The question now is would anyone want to hire someone who basically soldout for a spot in sun, or as Pink Floyd wrote in Wish You Were Here..

...did you exchange a walk on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?

Time will tell.

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