Thursday, November 02, 2006

Grand Old Hypocrites

Members of the Grand Old Hypocrites party were out in full force on Wednesday displaying an amazing, and little questioned, ability to lie and spin their way to attack Sen. John Kerry regarding their own inability to understand the English language.

On the Rush Limbaugh show, only days after Rush made fun of actor Michael J. Fox and his suffering from the effects of Parkinson's Disease, George Bush had the gall to say “Anybody who is in a position to serve this country ought to understand the consequences of words.

Gee, was Bush speaking about Rush, or himself?

This also days after Bush disgustingly all but called Democrats supporters of terrorism. So according to members of the GOH, it is okay to make fun of people with disesases or suggest your opponent supports terrorism, yet it is wrong, very wrong, to tell a joke that can be misinterpreted by only the lazy or dishonest?

For example the Washington Post's Howard Kurtz joined other members of the Washington Typists in lazily repeated Republican talking points, calling Kerry's joke "a crack about uneducated soldiers." No doubt the GOH was pleased with his typing.

Laura Bush joined in, saying "we must conduct our debate here at home in a way that does not jeopardize our troops in harm's way,” and called for “conversations conducted with civility and respect.”

So implying your opponents are supporters of terrorism is a conversation "conducted with civility and respect"? Hah! If anything her husbands comments place U.S. troops in greater harm than a criticism of the president. But then, what does Bush care, other than doing whatever it takes to "win" an election.


Anonymous said...

At least Rush apologized...



Anonymous said...

Hypocrisy on loan from God