One of the questions surrounding the Democratic presidential nomination campaign is whether Sen. Hillary Clinton should apologize for her 2002 vote to authorize war against Iraq.
While that may be an interesting question, in reality the people who should apologize are those who worked to put George W. Bush in the White House. During the 1990s legions of Clinton critics (see Vast Right Wing Conspiracy) worked to turn the public against President Clinton and in 2000 those efforts paid off with making the election in Florida close enough for the Republicans to steal.
After six years of incompetence in the White House some of Clinton's enemies, such as Christopher Ruddy and Richard Mellon Scaife apparently have come to a realization that was obvious oh so many years ago to those outside the media and GOP and while not making amends at least aren't making matters worse.
"Clinton wasn’t such a bad president,” Mr. Ruddy told the New York Times. “In fact, he was a pretty good president in a lot of ways, and Dick feels that way today.”
While the Times did find space to run the article it hardly makes up for the distorted coverage of the Clinton's and Whitewater. The Times were perhaps only outdone by the Wall Street Journal, where Robert Bartley's personal animosity got the better of the page and thoroughly embarrassed the paper.
While the eight year campaign (The Hunting of the President) was unsuccessful in removing President Clinton, many in the media adopted the next step and worked on the "War Against Gore." This two year battle focused on making Gore look bad while giving Bush a free pass.
The Daily Howler pointed out that former Washington Post political editor John Harris wrote "The Way to Win " A number of members of the Gang of 500 are convinced that the main reason George W. Bush won the White House and Al Gore lost was that Gore’s regular press pack included the trio of Katherine “Kit” Seelye (of the New York Times), Ceci Connolly (of the Washington Post), and Sandra Sobieraj (of the Associated Press).
So despite conservatives despising the MSM, the MSM played a major role in installing what historians are already call the Worst President in American History. Yet rather than stepping back, apologizing for being a doormat for the GOP, the media has decided that the answer is to be rougher on Democrats, so bad that even the Washington Post ombudsman criticized a story on the sale of house by former Sen. John Edwards to a party he had never meet for a price well below the original asking price.
The reporter cried that basically Presidential candidates need complete transparency and should expect this type of investigation (unless you are named George W. Bush then we all look away.)
It's time for a members of the Washington Typists to get rid of their double standards on how they cover politics, stop typing up GOP releases, and stop being the conduit for GOP hit jobs. But one of the steps to recovery is to apologize for all all the harm they have caused. But Democrats shouldn't hold their breath waiting for an apology.
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