Sen. John Kerry's endorsement of Sen. Barack Obama may come as a surprise to some but it was Kerry who gave Obama his chance to be seen as keynote speaker of the 2004 Democratic National Convention.
Some might have thought that he would endorse Sen. John Edwards, but while the two may have made a good looking team, they could never quite mesh, not even being able to agree on whether to use "Help is on the Way" (Kerry) or "Hope is on the Way" (Edwards).
At a Edwards presidential campaign kickoff campaign stop in Des Moines in late 2006 the usual background music was being played and when Bruce Springsteen's "Land of Hope and Dreams" came on it reminded me of the Kerry campaign of 2004. However before the song was finished it was cut off and replaced with another tune, as if it was a bad reminder of 2004.
Endorsing Sen. Clinton was also probably be inappropriate after her criticism of Kerry's joke about Bush in 2006, which the MSM/right wing spun as some attack on the troops. Only the deceived, dishonest or delusional could have said that Kerry's comments were anything other than a criticism of Bush and Sen. Clinton's criticism played into their hands.
Sen. Clinton, of all people, should understand the need to not let the right wing rewrite events to their liking and to their advantage. Someone, other than Keith Olbermann, should have pointed out the truth about the comment. Instead the GOP got Kerry to apologize, giving credence to those who thought he said something against the troops.
Comedian Bill Maher was closer to truth when he said "John Kerry made a joke about Bush being a moron, and now Bush wants morons to think it was a joke was about the troops."
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