Monday, February 01, 2010

Grand Old Party's Retreat

The GOP's continued reliance in the fantasy of their views was on display over the weekend as they tried to spin that the smack-down President Obama laid upon them during the GOP retreat in Baltimore "made Republicans look good."

The only way the event made the GOP look good is that they didn't appear to end up shell shocked. Their questions were questionable and many were inaccurate, allowing Obama to swat them away like a pro facing a weekend player.

The biggest proof that the retreat went badly, very badly, for the Republicans was that FOX switched off their coverage of the event. This just a few days after Bill O'Reilly complained how FOX covered all of Scott Brown victory speech yet other networks only covered some of the speech. So a political victory speech is worth covering from start to finish yet the first of its kind televised discussion isn't worth covering completely? Pure fantasy.

The only other problem for Obama was that he was too kind and didn't personally call out the GOP members for showing up at ribbon cuttings that they voted against, but then there is a reason the GOP is also known as the Grand Old Party of Hypocrites or GOPHers.

The media elites tried to spin the decision by the GOP to agree to the White House's request to televise the event as that it would have made the GOP look bad if they turned down the request. In reality the GOP let their fantasy view that Obama can only speak with a telepromter cloud their decision making process. In reality it was the Republicans who were tied to prewritten statements and could not discuss issues without them.

If the GOP operated in the real work they would have known better than to challenge Obama. Instead, in the end Obama's performance left the GOP in retreat at their retreat.

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