Republican National Committee Chairman Ed Gillespie and House Majority Leader Tom DeLay an have hit a disgusting new low. In an attempt to deflect attention away from the Iraqi prisoner abuse scandal and growing dissatisfaction with George Bush, they have decided to attack the formatting of Sen. John Kerry's campaign emails.
Sen. Kerry's emails include an option to donate, a necessity given the GOP's effort to purchase the 2004 election after they stole the 2000 election. (On Thursday Bush's campaign announced they had raised $200 million.) Since Kerry's emails include the donation option, the GOP decided that the emails must not discuss serious topics, such as the abuse scandal.
In the Kerry campaign's e-mail, supporters were thanked for their "amazing" response to a previous e-mail which called for Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld's resignation. As all campaign email include an option for contributions, this one did too. (Actually this email only had one "donate now," compared to two on a more recent email.)
In his attempt to attack Kerry for Bush's failures, Gillespie said the photographs of prisoner abuse are "clearly disgusting, but it's harder to find words to describe those whose first instinct upon seeing them is to raise campaign cash with them."
No, what's disgusting is an attempt to buy an election then attempt to deflect criticism for one's failures on another. But Mr. Gillespie knows the press are suckers and will run his complaints, accurate or not. And judging by the amount of press this story has recieved he is correct.
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