Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Dishonesty & Dishonor - or Sarah Slimes

If there is any doubt left regarding that John McCain would do anything or say anything to become president, that doubt was removed on Monday as he unleashed his pit bull to bring their dishonesty to a new level.

Perhaps unwilling to do the heavy lying himself, and perhaps much too busy watching the Dow drop 800 points at one point, he sent Sarah "Slimes" Palin out to criticize someone Obama met and worked with a few times.

Never mind that the relationship McCain had with Phil Gramm was much more odious and destructive for the American economy, McCain has looked at the polls and figured out he is going to lose big time unless he can get the people to stop thinking about issues and focus on the trivial.

The ironic thing is that McCain was the victim in 2000 of ugly and untrue campaigning by (p)resident Bush and one might think McCain would not do onto others as he would wish them to do onto him. Instead he probably was told "either you go dirty or you lose."

And so McCain, he of the "I'd rather lose an election than lose a war" has apparently decided to change his message to "I'd rather lose my honor than lose this election."

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