All those "smart" people who had such a fun time instigating or perpetrating outrage over Sen. John Kerry's purported criticism of the American troops can now satisfy themselves with the knowledge that the U.S. will be stuck in Iraq for a very long time.
And why are we stuck? Because, just as Kerry said, Bush didn't study, didn't do his homework and didn't try to be smart. Instead Bush decided he was the decider and what he believed was the truth, no matter how little truth was in his beliefs, and so he got stuck in Iraq.
Following hearings on Thursday, the Washington Post reported Sen. Joe Biden asked Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice how long she thought American forces would need to stay in Iraq. She responded that she could not give an "exact timetable."
Rice's condescending comments were code for a very long time. So why are we stuck in Iraq? Because Bush had some grand vision for Iraq and now, 27 months too late the public, the Congress, and possiby even the military, has finally figured out that Bush didn't do his homework and got us in a mess.
The Post mentioned that at the hearings "not a single senator from either party said they supported the president's plan, many posed hostile questions, and others expressed deep doubt about the Bush administration's premise of creating a viable democracy in the heart of the Middle East."
So Bush's original grand theory was all an illusion. And his new theory?
"I think this speech given last night by this president represents the most dangerous foreign policy blunder in this country since Vietnam, if it's carried out," said Republican Sen. Chuck Hagel, R-Neb.
And with that the country can be assured that there will be no early exit from Iraq.
1 comment:
How about re-investigating the "catastophic and catalyzing" event that kicked this whole thing off - 9-11!
This one event has been used to augment executive power and priviledge, while at the same time reducing our freedoms and liberties - in the name of fighting for freedom!
Reopen the 9-11 investigation!
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