After six years of screwing the country and Democrats the GOP received a rude response in November when the public told them to take a hike. So what is the GOP's response?
In an editorial in the Wall Street Journal George Bush suggests "we can't play politics as usual" and the Washington Post reports that Republican Representatives are demanding that "the new Democratic majority give the new Republican minority all the rights that Republicans had denied Democrats for years."
That's right, the GOP doesn't want Democrats to act like Republicans. And they probably won't. That's the difference between Democrats and Republicans. When Republicans are treated "unfairly" conservatives rush to complain and everyone is concerned. When Democrats (calling Al Gore) get screwed, it's just business as usual. So basically it's okay for the GOP to play politics as usual to steal an election or prevent the Democrats from being involved, but very, very wrong to offend Republicans.
(In 2004 the Post reported that GOP Speaker J. Dennis Hastert initiated a policy in which Congress would pass bills only if most House Republicans back them, regardless of how many Democrats favored them.)
Apparently the GOP doesn't have a clue on why they lost, possibly Karl Rove got to them and told them the election was too close to consider a loss. In reality, the Democratic takeover of Congress, while fairly slim, was amazing when one considers the gerrymandering that GOP leaders at the state level put in place to limit voters' ability to remove House Republicans from office.
The Senate takeover was even more amazing considering it required taking out six Republican Senators: a GOP leader (Santorum), four red state senators (Ohio, Montana, Missouri, Virginia), and a RINO in Rhode Island while not losing a single Senate seat.
So after six years of AWOL leadership in the White House, it's the Democrats turn to show some leadership. It will be interesting to see if the GOP tries to throw roadblocks in the way of getting America back on track.
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