Thursday, May 06, 2010

Tea Party Exposed

The recent "growth" of the Tea Party has attracted a lot of attention and interest in determining who the party represents and believes. While the media has been consumed by whether the Tea Party has a racist tinge, in reality they should be more concerned to see if there is any logic to their arguments.

On Wednesday, Judson Phillips the founder of the Tea Party Nation, was on Q&A chat on the Washington Post and the answers were, um, enlightening. Among the gems were:
  • "I have problem with democrats and liberals being in control of the government. IT's sort of like leaving a convicted sex offender alone with children."
  • "you folks on the left, as a general rule are not patriotic. You do not love this country."
  • "The clinton balanced budget came mostly after the GOP took over the house in 2004 and he could not spend all the money he wanted to." 2004?
  • "First, cut taxes to increase economic growth. That works everytime." Tell that to conservative economist Douglas Holtz-Eakin, who said "You are not going to get tax cuts to pay for themselves."
  • Responding to questions asking if he would admit taxes have gone down under Obama he said "No" and in a later question said evidence that taxes HAD gone up was that Obama allowed the bush tax cuts to expire. While they may expire, they haven't yet.
  • When told by a questioner that Tea Party supporters they knew protest taxes but are willing to take support from the government he didn't believe those people existed, saying "And I know liberals who believe in the tooth fairy."
  • When asked about the rallying cry of the group (wanting their country back) all he could respond with was "And as soon as we vote out the obama/pelosi/reid axis of fiscal evil, we will get out country back"
Based on the answers one wondered if either: A.) he was unprepared, B.) the Tea Party Party has nothing to support its beliefs, or C.) the Post was punked and an impostor was answering questions to make the Tea Party look bad.

I vote for B.

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